Dr. Theron Pummer, Lecturer in Philosophy and Co-Director of the Centre for Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs at the University of St. Andrews, is celebrating his birthday by raising money for four highly effective charities working to improve the health of people living in extreme poverty, including the Health Impact Fund (HIF), one of the projects of the GJP. GJP Director Thomas Pogge, has agreed to match donations dollar-for-dollar up to $7,000, and at a discounted rate beyond that. the fundraiser ends on at the end of September. As of September 4, Theron had already raise $4,092 towards his $7,000 goal.
This one-time matching gift challenge makes September a great time to donate to IGH. Whether or not you know Theron, you can donate today and have your gift to IGH and other high-impact charities go twice as far.
The other charities that Theron is fundraising for are the Against Malaria Foundation, the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative, and Giving What We Can.
To have your gift to the HIF and other high-impact charities doubled, click here and make your contribution by September 31.