Krishen Mehta of GFI speaks to Global Justice Fellows

Krishen Mehta, Co-Chairman of the Advisory Board of Global Financial Integrity at the Center for International Policy in Washington, DC (, and former partner with PwC recently shared his insights on the relationship between global taxation and social justice. In a fast-paced talk, Mehta outlined the problem of developing countries’ illicit capital outflows, which exceed by far inflows of foreign aid. He also drew on his long professional experience to explain the issues of tax havens, trade mispricing and tax evasion. Mehta then shared a multitude of reform proposals ranging from strategies to reign in tax havens, a global corporate minimum tax, improved banking and accounting regulations (e.g. country-by-country reporting) and a global financial transaction tax. These proposals were energetically discussed in the Q&A with seminar participants afterwards.

February 27, 2015