Dev Kar
Dr. Dev Kar is the Chief Economist at Global Financial Integrity (GFI), a think tank and advocacy group in Washington DC. Dev has written extensively on the drivers and dynamics of illicit financial flows from specific regions and countries of the developing world using medium-size macroeconomic models. His studies and findings have been quoted extensively on major media around the world including The BBC, Bloomberg, CNN, The Economist, The Guardian, Indian Express, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and Times of India. He has also presented the findings of his research at American University, the Annual Meetings of the African Development Bank, Brookings Institution, the British Parliament under the aegis of the Royal African Society, Oxford University (under the Distinguished Visitor’s Program), the World Bank, and at Yale University.
Prior to joining GFI in January 2008, Dev was a Senior Economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF). During a career spanning nearly 32 years at the IMF, he worked on a wide variety of macroeconomic and statistical issues both at IMF headquarters and on different types of IMF missions to member countries. His assignments at the IMF included: research on the functions and role of central banks; providing technical assistance to member countries in the area of national accounts, prices, and external trade in order to build members’ statistical capacities; preparing short papers on the external debt situation of heavily indebted countries; forecasting external debt profiles and working with early warning models that seek to predict an external debt crisis for heavily indebted countries; and developing statistical measures and indicators on quantitative and non-quantitative trade restrictions, dumping, and other trade policy issues.
Dev has a Ph.D. in Economics from the George Washington University (Major: Monetary Economics), an M. Phil (Economics) also from the same university (Major: International Economics), and a M.S. (Computer Science) from Howard University (Major: Database Management Systems).