Lisa Biersay
Lisa Biersay is an Atrocity Crimes Prosecutor, specializing in International Criminal Law and Investigations. For the last 13 years, she worked with the United Nations to prosecute a broad spectrum of serious crimes—including genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes—committed in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. Ms. Biersay is recognized as an Expert by Justice Rapid Response in the investigation of international atrocity crimes, with a specialization in conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence. Before her tenure with the United Nations, she represented the United States as a federal prosecutor in the District of Minnesota and represented the New York State Office of the Attorney General as a Special Assistant Attorney General. Her research interests include the role of hate speech in atrocity crimes. She is a Qualified Instructor for the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MSBR) Program as developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn.